Guest Room Makeover, update

Tuesday night I set off to paint the room. My husband warned me it would need to be primed first. I like to take shortcuts that ultimately take me more time than had I just done things the right way first, so I didn’t listen to him. He was right, I was wrong, and Tuesday night was a disaster. 4 coats of paint and it still looked like crap.

Wednesday morning I went back to Home Depot. I showed my picture to the guy at the paint counter and he confirmed what I already knew- I needed primer. I wasted so much paint the night before, I needed to buy another gallon and took a risk on a new color. I bought more paint trays,- new brush, and $60+ later was on my way home.

I primed during nap-time, and painted after Zac went to bed. Primer was definitely the right decision. This morning I put the room back together and am in love. The chair that was in this room before is now in my front sitting room and I plan to recover that next week. Wish me luck with that!





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