Fall Recap, through the eyes of Zac’s wardrobe

I solemnly swear that my new year’s resolution is to be a better blogger. Until then, here’s a recap of the fall through the eyes of my almost 3-year-old. The best thing about sewing and embroidering is being able to make stuff for him. I know that as he gets older, he won’t want holiday shirts, but until then, game on!!

Football is everything in our house, and Zac outgrew his UGA shirts from last year, so I took it upon myself to make him one.IMG_0688-0.JPG

Next up was the month of October. Zac’s preschool had a pumpkin patch day where they had games, a bouncy house, and even their own patch of pumpkins for the kids to pick from. He had loads of fun and looked cute doing it.IMG_0810.JPGIMG_1353.JPG

Here is the zombie crossing shirt I made him. He wore it the day our family went to the pumpkin patch, which also happened to be the day the new season of the Walking Dead premiered too.IMG_0967.JPGIMG_1601.JPG

Next up was Halloween. Zac loves Pete the Cat, so it kinda seemed like a no brainer for him to dress as Pete for Halloween. I bought an oversized yellow t-shirt that I embroidered 4 groovy buttons on, sewed ears onto a navy blue hoodie, and a tail onto sweat pants. This costume was super comfortable and kept Zac warm too. He loved it so much that he slept in it and then wore it the next day too.IMG_1375.PNGIMG_1873-0.JPGIMG_1958.JPG

Thanksgiving shirt… (Steelers colors for the helmet)IMG_2631.JPGIMG_2648.JPG

I spent way too much time on the next project, especially considering I have a million and one things that I should be doing, but today was pajama day at Zac’s preschool and he NEEDED these… I bought the pattern for the pants from GirlCharlee.com which was much easier than winging it like I have in the past. I bought the baseball tee to embroidery for the top because we have too many regular shirts and I though the colored sleeves were fun. I am doing the same type of shirt (with blue sleeves) for his Pete the Cat birthday shirt.IMG_2786.PNGIMG_2662.JPG


Last but not least is Christmas!!! How did we get here?? I pre-ordered these sets over the summer from Blanks Boutique. I love how they’ve turned out, but I’ll be ready when they’re done. I think I had 12 total to do, and I have 6 left. Here are Zac’s and Belle’s outfits. Can’t wait to get a pic of them together in them.
